
Archive for March, 2018

Artist, papermaker and educator Fritz Huber in Wilmington, NC shared Treewhispers with students at Dreams of Wilmington. Here’s her report and some wonderful additions to the ever-growing forest:
I made it a semester-long focus on trees at Dreams Center for Arts Education. We are an after school, and homeschool program dedicated to underserved youth. Everyone had a tree story, although some were shy getting that story out. We live along the Cape Fear, and brackish water alters our landscape, our trees, regularly. What felt best about following the path of tree observation was that the kids became more aware of trees in their personal environment on a daily basis.





Thank you for this opportunity! Sorry there weren’t more of these but the kids like them so much, that they insisted on keeping a lot of them. The one with the little tent is mine as an example of what could be done. Fritzi Huber 

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